Guide Tentang CORE, MODULE, dan SHIELD - Closers Online Indonesia

[Intro] Tentang Aerial, Chase, Back, dan Down Attack 
Aerial : Menyerang musuh sambil melayang di udara.
Chase : Menyerang musuh yang melayang di udara.
Back : Menyerang musuh dari belakang.
Down : Menyerang musuh yang knocked-down atau terjatuh.

Semacam Main Weapon. Ada banyak jenis CORE, dan nggak kayak beberapa game lainnya, karaktermu nggak terikat dengan CORE tertentu. Kamu bisa menggunakan CORE jenis apapun, karena CORE disini bisa dibilang lebih mencerminkan style permainan kamu.
*Basic status akan diberi rate 1-8/8
*Jika tidak ditulis Physical/Magical, maka efek berlaku untuk keduanya
*Basis analisis adalah CORE Epic Level 58 (dapat didapatkan via Craft di Plane Gate)

DMG per detik  : 5/8
Attack Speed : 7/8
Special : Aerial DMG Increase, Aerial Critical Hit Rate
SWORD memiliki DMG standar dan attack speed yang cukup tinggi. Ditambah bonus DMG dan critical rate pada aerial attack, jika kamu banyak menggunakan skill di udara dan sering melakukan combo yang cepat, maka SWORD adalah core yang tepat untukmu.  

Blunt Weapon 
DMG per detik  : 4/8
Attack Speed : 1/8
Special : Critical Hit DMG, Down DMG Increase
Sesuai namanya, tipikal BLUNT WEAPON adalah attack speed yang cukup kecil. DMG-nya yang menengah ditutupi dengan bonus DMG saat Critical dan saat melakukan Down Attack. Cukup tricky mengingat kamu harus menjatuhkan musuhmu lebih dulu agar dapat memaksimalkan efek dari Core ini. Tapi jika kamu suka menyiksa lawan dan tidak membiarkannya berdiri, pakailah BLUNT WEAPON.

DMG per detik  : 8/8
Attack Speed : 5/8
Special : Critical Hit Rate
Memiliki DMG terbesar dan attack speed yang cukup tinggi, WHIP sepertinya menarik sekali, ya. WHIP juga memiliki bonus Critical Hit Rate yang memungkinkanmu lebih sering men-trigger critical. WHIP cocok buatmu yang suka melihat nominal DMG besar, apalagi yang tidak terlalu peduli dengan jenis serangan.

DMG per detik  : 2/8
Attack Speed : 1/8
Special : Critical Hit DMG
DMG kecil, attack speed juga kecil? Eits, bonus Critical Hit DMG dari SICKLE cukup besar, lho! Kalau kamu tidak terlalu peduli dengan tipe serangan dan suka melihat DMG Burst, cobalah pakai SICKLE.

DMG per detik : 3/8
Attack Speed : 5/8
Special : Skill Cooldown, Aerial Critical Hit DMG
DMG dari WAND agak kecil dan attack speednya juga standar, tapi efek skill cooldown membuatmu tidak perlu menunggu skill terlalu lama. WAND cocok buatmu yang suka combo dengan timing, asal kamu bisa menjaga MP tetap terisi dan (mungkin) membuat karaktermu tetap di udara agar Aerial Critical DMG-nya berasa.

DMG per detik  : 1/8
Attack Speed : 3/8
Special : Critical Hit DMG, Skill Cooldown
Hampir sama nasibnya, LANTERN memiliki DMG paling kecil dan attack speed yang cukup rendah. Tapi dibalik itu, Critical Hit DMG LANTERN adalah yang paling tinggi, apalagi ditambah efek skill cooldown. Barengi dengan Critical Rate, dan kamu akan jarang merasakan DMG kecil saat menggunakan LANTERN.

Dual Sword 
DMG per detik  : 6/8
Attack Speed : 8/8
Special : Skill Cooldown, Chase DMG Increase
DMG besar, attack speed tertinggi, ditambah skill cooldown dan Chase DMG increase? Kelihatan banget kalau kamu player yang suka angkat-banting musuh. Namun jangan lupa barengi dengan critical rate, agar DMG dari DUAL SWORD nggak segitu-segitu saja.

DMG per detik  : 7/8
Attack Speed : 4/8
Special : Critical Hit Rate, Back DMG Increase
DMGnya cukup besar, attack speednya standar, apalagi ditambah rate critical. Mungkin nggak terlalu cocok buat kamu yang suka fast-paced combo, tapi DMG besar plus critical rate dari CLAW bisa membunuh musuhmu dengan cepat.

Tambahan: Core per Character
Meski udah disebutkan di atas kalau sebenarnya tidak ada restriksi dalam pemakaian Core, ada quest dan craft option yang (secara implisit) menunjukkan Core yang cocok buat masing-masing karakter, yaitu Main Quest terakhir di Disaster Recovery Center (butuh konfirmasi) dan Special Dungeon Craft Menu di Plane Gate.
Seha Lee / Nata : Sword, Claw (
Seulbi Lee / Levia / Misteltein : Wand, Lantern
J / Harpy : Dual Sword. Hammer
Yuri Seo : Whip, Sickle
Sebelum memasuki Plane Gate, kamu akan diberi reward Core epic +9, yang sebenarnya pilihannya dibatasi tergantung dengan karaktermu.
Pada menu Special Dungeon di Crafting Plane Gate, kamu bisa membuat item Meister Core dan Module. Meister Module disini exclusive untuk masing-masing karakter, sehingga kalau kamu ingin dapat bonus setnya, mau tidak mau kamu harus membuat Core dan Module yang bisa dipakai karaktermu.
Tapi sekali lagi, unless kamu mau pakai Meister Set, pilihan core-mu tetap bebas kok.

Ada tiga jenis module, yaitu BOOSTER (P. DMG), REGULATOR (M. DMG), dan TUBE (Hybrid). Penggunaannya tentu tergantung basis serangan dari karaktermu. Berbeda dengan CORE yang bebas, untuk MODULE disarankan untuk tidak aneh-aneh. Jangan suruh Seha pakai Regulator kecuali kamu memaksa dia buat jadi Caster. Jangan suruh Misteltein pakai Costume tipe Female kecuali—  

Sama seperti MODULE, ada tiga jenis SHIELD yaitu MASCOT (Max HP), RING (P. DEF), dan AMULET (M. DEF). Kalau ini tergantung kebutuhanmu, yang mana yang lebih kamu prioritaskan.
Beberapa SHIELD memiliki bonus effect yang jika dilihat dari komposisinya, maka standar penggunaan SHIELD adalah 2 MASCOT + 2 RING + 2 BRACELET, atau seimbang antara tiga status di atas. Kalau kamu tidak terlalu peduli dengan tiga status di atas, mungkin seimbang sekalian cari bonus effect adalah pilihan yang baik.


WEAPON UNGU core level 220 ugly spirit 135 'dimensional report part 3' 175 power source 147 solid dimensional 52 amplified dimen essence 330 gold 13.000.000 WEAPON EMAS core level 117 ugly spirit 90 power source 98 solid dimensional 35 amplified dimen essence 44 gold 2.600.000 TOTAL MATERIAL + CREDIT YG DIBUTUHKAN : CREDIT : 15.600.000 MATERIAL core level 337 ugly spirit 225 'dimensional report part 3' 175 power source 245 solid dimensional 87 amplified dimen essence 374 MODULE UNGU core level 141 ugly spirit 115 'dimensional report part 3' 125 power source 117 solid dimensional 42 amplified dimen essence 210 gold 11.000.000 MODULE EMAS core level 94 ugly spirit 77 power source 78 solid dimensional 28 amplified dimen essence 35 gold 2.200.000 TOTAL MATERIAL + CREDIT YG DIBUTUHKAN CREDIT : 13.200.000 MATERIAL :core level 235 ugly spirit 192 'dimensional report part 3' 125 power source 195 solid dimensional 70 amplified dimen essence 245 SHIELD UNGU amplified dimen essence 44 core level 90 syn factor 225 'dimensional report part 3' 85 power source 75 solid dimensional 26 CREDIT 4.500.000 SHIELD EMASamplified dimen essence 28 core level 75 syn factor 188 power source 63 solid dimensional 22 CREDIT 1.600.000 TOTAL SHIELD UNGUamplified dimen essence 132 core level 270 syn factor 675 'dimensional report part 3' 255 power source 225 solid dimensional 78 CREDIT 13.500.000 TOTAL SHIELD EMASamplified dimen essence 84 core level 225 syn factor 564 power source 189 solid dimensional 66 CREDIT 4.800.000 EX-ZONE MODULE EMAS 1Module ungu 70 bahan dari map ex zone 2 biji dengan jumlah 290 dan 500 syn fiber 110 powe source 65 solid dimensional 15 CREDIT 2.000.000 MODULE EMAS 2Module ungu 70 bahan dari map ex zone 2 biji dengan jumlah 290 dan 500 syn fiber 110 powe source 65 solid dimensional 15 CREDIT 2.000.000 TOTAL 2 MODULE EMAS EX ZONEModule ungu 70 bahan dari map ex zone 2 biji dengan jumlah 580 dan 1.000 syn fiber 220 powe source 130 solid dimensional 30 CREDIT 4.000.000 SHIELD EMAS 1shield ungu 70 bahan dari map ex zone 2 biji dengan jumlah 200 dan 330 syn fiber 85 powe source 52 solid dimensional 10 CREDIT 1.400.000 SHIELD EMAS 2 shield ungu 70 bahan dari map ex zone 2 biji dengan jumlah 200 dan 330 syn fiber 85 powe source 52 solid dimensional 10 CREDIT 1.400.000 shield ungu 70bahan dari map ex zone 2 biji dengan jumlah 400 dan 660 syn fiber 170 powe source 104 solid dimensional 20 CREDIT 2.800.000

Inotia 4: Stat Descriptions and Stat Build Guide

Author's Note: This guide and description is based from my experience and what I understand in playing Inotia 4 and what I think is best to fully enjoy the  posts from different sites (but of course I will tested them out first. If you game. I have also included some stat builds from most of the posts here and  please do make sure to add a short description. :D (if I have anything wrong have other suggestions you can comment it below and I'll add it to the list but  just tell me and ill change it as soon as possible.)

Stat Descriptions:
STR - (Strength) adding stat point for STR increases the Physical Damage
DEX - (Dexterity) adding stat point for DEX increases Accuracy for Physical Damage.
VIT - (Vitality) adding stat point for VIT increases Life Points/Hit Points(HP) or Physical Defense
INT - (Inteligence) adding stat point for INT increases Magic Damage.
MEN - (Mentality) adding stat point for MEN increases Accuracy for Magic Damage

Other Stats:
DMG Skill Related Damage
M.DMG Magic Damage
CRT Chance to land a Critical Hit
H.RATE Hit Rate
C.DMG Extra damage done by Critical Hit
DEF Physical Defense
P.RES Physical Resistance
M.RES Magic Resistance
EVD Evasion
W.D.R Weapon Defense Rate
S.D.R Shield Defense Rate
ATK DMG Attack Damage with normal weapon

Stat Points Guide:
Every time a player levels up s/he is given 3 stat points, to be added to the  prefered stat. Sample build is 3/2 DEX : 1 VIT (usually used for assassins and rangers) This would mean that on your first level you add the 3 skill points all to DEX, and next time you level, you add 2 for DEX and 1 for VIT. OR you dont add anything on your first level so when you level up again you add 3 for DEX and 1 for VIT and the remaining stat points could be used for the next level up.

Stat Builds:
(Quick note: the order of the classes is based from which class I played first)  

Assassin is a class usually build for surprise  and fast attacks and is mainly used for attacking. This class can also be used for tanking depending on the build of your choosing. This class is also recommended for first time players and has the highest probability in finishing the game in solo. The main stat for Assassin is Dexterity, while its main skill damage is physical damage.

Types of build:
DEX 2/3 : VIT 1. This build gives high critical and physical damage (but not higher than all DEX) but also gives the assassin the ability to tank. This build is the most recommended build for assassin.

All DEX. This build provides the highest critical damage and really high hit rate. Make sure that most (preferably all) of yourequipments have high evasion rate since this build is not suitable for tanking, and reaches 0 HP fast when damaged.

DEX 3 : VIT 2 : STR 1. This build gives both high accuracy and high physical damage and could also receive slight to normal damages . It gives the class the ability to fully maximize the use of its skills.

Recommended Mercs: Assassin;Priest for the first half and Warlock;Priest in the second half of the game.

Ranger is a class usually build for support since this class can give the entire party the ability to spam skills and is mainly used for attacking from behind the tankers. This class can never be used for tanking since its a slow attacker but can summon a bear to tank in his place. This class can solo using hit and run technique or he can simply hide behind the summoned bear while attacking. The main stat for Ranger is Dexterity, while its main skill damage is physical damage.

Types of build:

DEX 2/3 : VIT 1. This build gives high critical damage and hit rate and lets the ranger receive minimal damages. This build is the most recommended build for ranger.

All DEX. This build provides higher critical damage and hit rate than the aforementioned build. Make sure that most (preferably all) of your equipments have high evasion rate since this build is quite fragile and cannot take damage or it will die immediately.

DEX 3 : VIT 2 : MEN 1. This build gives high accuracy in physical damage. This build could also take mimimal damage and can also take the enemy's mana higher than normal. It gives the class the ability to fully maximize the use of its skills.

Recommended Mercs: Black Knight/Warrior;Priest

Priest is a class usually build for support since this class' primary abilities are mostly healing. This class is also versatile enough to tank and inflict both physical and magic damages to the enemy depending on the build of your choosing. (This is what I call the true Berserk Healer XD) The main stat for Priest is Mentality, its main damage is physical damage and its main skill damage is magic damage.

Types of build:

MEN 2/3 : VIT 1. This build gives the class the maximum healing abilities and lets it tank since this build lets the class receive normal to slighty severe damages. This build is the most recommended build for priest.

All MEN. This build turns the class into a fulltime healer. This build is not recommended for tanking since it can only receive minimal damage and some skills wont be available. Recommended equip in this build is either orb or staff.

MEN 3 : VIT 2 : STR 1. This build turns the class into fulltime berserk healer. This build makes the priest versatile enough to both heal and tank at the same time.

MEN 3 : VIT 2 : INT 1. This build has the ability to heal, tank and inflict lagre scale attacks but eats up a lot of MP. This build gives the class the ability to fully maximize its abilities.

Recommended Mercs: Assassin;Warlock

Warrior is a class commonly used for tanking and continuous attacking since it has high damage and stun skills. This class also has faster MP recovery with the use of its skills. The main stat for Warrior is Strength because this stat inflicts more damage and its set of skills requires the use of more strength. Dexterity could also be used as a main stat since it will give the warrior faster attacks than Strength. Its main skill damage is physical damage.

Types of build:

STR 2/3 : VIT 1. This build is commonly used when the class is using two-handed sword. it gives double physical damage while tanking than 2DEX;1VIT. This build is the most recommended build for warrior.

All STR. This build inflicts the highest physical damage and really high hit rate while using two-handed sword. It is recommended that most (preferably all) of your equipments have high evasion rate since this build could only tank for a short period of time.

DEX 2/3 : VIT 1. This build is commonly used when the class is dual weilding. This build gives high physical damage, high hit rate (but not higher than all STR) and faster attacks while tanking. It is also recommended that most (preferably all) of your equipments have high evasion rate. This build is the second recommended build for warrior.

All VIT. This build gives the class a 'near-immortal' state which is best for tanking but has the least damage while attacking.

STR 3 : VIT 2 : DEX 1. This build is recommended for dual weilding while tanking. It gives the class the ability to fully maximize the use of its skills. 

Recommended Mercs: Ranger;Warlock

Black Knight
Black Knight is a class commonly used for tanking and attacking and gives high physical and magical damage. This class could also support. (It is a warlock that changed career and became a warrior xD) The main stat for Black Knight is Intelligence, its main damage is Magic Damage while its main skill damage is either Physical Damage and/or Magic Damage depending on the build of your choosing.

Types of build:
INT 2/3 : 1 VIT. This build lets the class give high physical and magical damage while receiving slightly severe damages making it a good tanker. This build lasts longer than All INT. This is the most recommended stat build for Black Knight All INT. This build lets the class inflict maximum magic damage output while tanking given its skills but only for short period of time.

All VIT. Just like the warrior class, this build gives the class a 'near-immortal' state while tanking but has the least damage while attacking.

VIT 3 : INT 2 : STR 1. This build lets the class become a heavy tanker while giving high physical and magical damage that lasts long. This build is gives the class the ability to fully maximize the use of its skills.

Recommended Mercs: Assassin;Ranger

Warlock is a class build for really fast attacks, and is not recommended for tanking. This class has the fastest and highest possible inflicted damage among other class with some tricks and maximized use of its abilities. Solo-ing using this class is also possible. (But after you do, you wont be able to use both your thumbs tho xD) The main stat for Warlock is Intelligence while the main skill damage for this class is Magic Damage.

Types of build:

INT 2/3 : VIT 1. This build lets the class inflict high critical and magical damages and could also receive minimum to normal damages. This build is the most recommended build for warlock.

All INT. This build lets you inflict maximum damage output, but damages should be minimal or HP will reach 0 faster.

INT 3 : VIT 2 : MEN 1. This build lets the class give high magical damage while taking normal damages and also lasts long. This build is gives the class the ability to fully maximize the use of its skills.

Recommended Mercs: Assassin;Black Knight

Author's Note (again): Like I said and NOTED earlier, this guide and description is based from MY experience and what I understand in playing Inotia 4 and what I think is best to fully enjoy the game. If you have other or perhaps BETTER suggestions you can comment it below and I'll add it to the list but please do make sure to add a short description like advantages and disadvantages.

You can also help me by commenting skill build of each class and what stat build it will complement and other possible mercenary guide suited for each class. Im not a pro but i have repeated the game more than enough to understand stat point distribution, its advantages and disadvantages. (Like 8 times. 6 different classes, 8 different stat builds).

This took me 2 weeks to finish. Im not asking much since this is voluntary but please do help me in finishing my next doc which is Skill Build Guide. It will be appreciated so much.
I'll give you a virtual kiss if you do.
And thank you so much for reading..

Daftar Nama-nama Mercenari di Inotia 4

Berikut adalah nama-nama para mercenari yang kalian dapatkan jika berhasil merekrutnya,

Black Knight
1. Ceres (All skills unlocked)
2a. Deborah (One skill locked) - No Improved Defense
2b. Amelia (One skill locked) - No Flares of Pain
3. Clea (Three skills locked) - Defense Type
4. Rosarine (Three skills locked) - Battle Type

1. Gum Niang (All skills unlocked)
2a. Pamina (One skill locked) - No Blade Deflection
2b. Maria (One skill locked) -No Assassin's Sword
3. Morgana (Three skills locked) - DPS Type (has Assassin Sword)
4. Rica (Three skills locked) - Nuker Type (Without Assassin Sword)

1. Fenoa (All skills unlocked)
2a. Granichos (One skill locked) - No Storm of Frenzy
2b. Gurarde (One skill locked) - No Weapon Hitback
3. Duval (Three skills locked) - Dual Wield Typ/DPS Type
4. Kirst (Three skills locked) - Two-Handed Sword Type/Semi-Tanker Type

1. Kane (All skills unlocked)
2a. Romeo (One skill locked) - No Pain Overture
2b. Gabriel (One skill locked) - No Monster's Scream
3. Lacroix (Three skills locked) - Attacker Type
4. Exion (Three skills locked) -Support/Summoning Type

1. Kenjin (All skills unlocked)
2a. Proto (One skill locked) - No Spiritual Arrow
2b. Legolharz (One skill locked) - No Disturbance
3. Mares (Three skills locked) -Battle/Attack Type (Without Disturbance)
4. Loutch  (Three skills locked) - Summon/Support Type (Without Sniping)

1. Rineah (All skills unlocked)
2a. Serapina (One skill locked) - No Divine Arms
2b. Derek (One skill locked) - No Light Command
3. Enesse (Three skills locked) - Tanker Type
4. Orbey (Three skills locked) - Healer Type

Skill Build Gear Master PVE Cap 93 Dragon Nest INA

Skill Build Gear Master PVE


SP nge pas full summon, ga ada sisa SP buat ambil skill - skill shooting star, syarat ambil skill-skill awakening GM musti lv max skill masih ambil alfredo buat agro plate skill : CD Summon Mechaduck, CD Chain Saw tower, CD/Demage Mecha Shock (listrik bebek), CD/Demage Mecha bomb atau CD/Demage Big mecha bomber.

Perbedaan Siege Stance Klik Kiri dan Klik Kanan, Lebih Enak Mana?

Ada seorang teman yang bertanya sebenarnya lebih bagusan mana sih siege stance klik kiri atau klik kanan?

Sebelumnya saya jelaskan dulu siege stance ada 2 tipe serangan klik kiri dan klik kanan .

- Untuk klik kiri (normal mode) perkliknya adalah 1x dan untuk lamanya karena siege stance yang sekarang bisa menembak sampai 15 detik .rekor max hit yang saya dapat seperti di foto 20x hit .untuk segi range ini mid sampai long range tanpa ada penurunan damage.

- Untuk klik kanan (brust mode) ini cenderung ke arah close range,seperti yang terlihat di foto semakin jauh jarak semakin turun juga hitnya . mode klik kanan ini cocok juga untuk memecah super armor musuh di pvp.max hit untuk perclicknya 10x hit dan untuk fullnya saya dapat rekor 15 kali . untuk segi reloadnya memang lama .


- Cocok untuk yang suka ambil resiko,karena dituntut untuk bermain close range agar mendapatkan damage yang maksimal
- Lebih cepat untuk reset cooldown rain of arrow karena perkliknya  max 10x hit/10 detik- Cd rain of arrow. .sangat membantu sekali untuk yang mau spam Rain of arrow
- Memiliki range yang buruk walau cuma mid range saja sudah beda damagenya karena arrownya yang menyebar
- Reload animation lebih lama dari klik kanan

- Dianjurkan untuk yang suka cari aman .rangenya yang jauh dan damage yang stabil sangat fleksibel digunakan
- Reload animation yang sangat cepat ditambah lagi awakening menjadi semakin mantap
-  Kurang efektif jika difokuskan untuk mereset cooldown rain of arrow karena hanya 1x hit per klik .

difoto terlihat perbandingan damage serta kestabilan damagenya dan saya juga kaget melihat perbandingan full hit selama 15 detik hanya berbeda dikit :D .sebagai player yang baik semua skill ada plus dan ada minusnya juga . Coba saja game selain dragon nest yang tipe mmorpg juga . pasti akan tau betapa pentingnya memahami job/karakter/apalah itu .
terima kasih atas perhatiannya . salam  :)

By : Izal AF

Tips Meningkatkan Potensi DPS - Dragon Nest INA

Tips "Cara Meningkatkan Potensi DPS"

sering nggak sih kalian...
"gear gw udah +13... tapi kok kalah DPSnya (walau tipis) dengan job yang "KATANYA" gak potensial dan sedihnya kalah sama equip +10... gak merah pula", dan keluhan lainnya..

Ya ini sekedar TIPS ya. Gak membantu banget tapi yah stidaknya ngasih TIPS ;'3
mau diterapkan / tidak itu gpp

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi DPS..


- Rotasi Penggunaan Skill 

Beberapa job harus menggunakan skill sesuai dengan urutan skill yang benar.. untuk menghasilkan damage output maksimal..

Sering kali PLAYER MUSIMAN asal pencet skill, asal ready use langsung pake..
"lho biar gak stop DPS kk.. makannya gw pencet terus aja skill yg ready to use" ini yang salah :'v
lebih baik nunggu 1 - 5 detik untuk pake skill sesuai dengan rotasinya supaya output damage maksimal.. daripada asal pencet skill

- Debuffer / Buffer 

Ya ini bergantung dari komposisi job ya.. jadi relatif.. Tapi DPS sebuah job itu bisa berubah drastis base on komposisi party
Ya ini komposisi TS yang mutlak ya (no healer) bukan gak suka..
tapi emang gak punya :v
- Warrior apapun itu
- Assasin apapun itu
- Machina apapun itu

TS >> Sniper
Dari komposisi tsb maka diperoleh OFFENSE BUFF maksimum (bukannya pengen GG sendiri)
karena :
- Warrior >> attack buff 10%
- Assasin >> Critical damage 10%
- Machina >> FD 10%
- TS >> Critical 10%
paket offensif ter sakit menurut TS adalah ini :3

- Posisi / evading moment 

Di saat nest / raid..t iming evade yang paling penting dan posisi... dalam hal ini yg diutamakan adalah evade and hit.. terkadang player membabi buta.. tanpa peduli timing... yang penting aku kasih damage... gimana kalau job kalian itu tipikal slow caster...??? gak tau timing akan bikin DPS rate kalian turun drastis.. jadi pastikan kalian hapal gerakan boss dan save spot dari tiap serangan boss tsb.. manfaatkan sebagai DPS time semaksimall mungkin...

- Pengetahuan job itu sendiri

Tiap job pastinya butuh namanya build skill yang nyaman seperti apa nyaman itu? Hanya player yang menemukannya.. tiap player punya build sendiri..  tidak harus mencontek 100%..
refrensi memang banyak.. tapi ada kalanya player tsb punya build sendiri..
katakan builldnya sama.. its oke... nggk ada yg larang..
yang penting sih buildnya dibikin berdasar kenyamanan bukan karena "mana yang enak"
enak di A belum tentu enak di B.. dan sebaliknya
~sekian :3

Tambahan :
LAG mempengaruhi juga :3 b (ini faktor X)

By: Lee Gunawan