Author's Note: This guide and description is based from my experience and what I understand in playing Inotia 4 and what I think is best to fully enjoy the posts from different sites (but of course I will tested them out first. If you game. I have also included some stat builds from most of the posts here and please do make sure to add a short description. :D (if I have anything wrong have other suggestions you can comment it below and I'll add it to the list but just tell me and ill change it as soon as possible.)
Stat Descriptions:
STR - (Strength) adding stat point for STR increases the Physical Damage
DEX - (Dexterity) adding stat point for DEX increases Accuracy for Physical Damage.
VIT - (Vitality) adding stat point for VIT increases Life Points/Hit Points(HP) or Physical Defense
INT - (Inteligence) adding stat point for INT increases Magic Damage.
MEN - (Mentality) adding stat point for MEN increases Accuracy for Magic Damage
Other Stats:
DMG �Skill Related Damage
M.DMG � Magic Damage
CRT � Chance to land a Critical Hit
H.RATE � Hit Rate
C.DMG � Extra damage done by Critical Hit
DEF � Physical Defense
P.RES � Physical Resistance
M.RES � Magic Resistance
EVD �Evasion
W.D.R � Weapon Defense Rate
S.D.R � Shield Defense Rate
ATK DMG � Attack Damage with normal weapon
Stat Points Guide:
Every time a player levels up s/he is given 3 stat points, to be added to the prefered stat. Sample build is 3/2 DEX : 1 VIT (usually used for assassins and rangers) This would mean that on your first level you add the 3 skill points all to DEX, and next time you level, you add 2 for DEX and 1 for VIT. OR you dont add anything on your first level so when you level up again you add 3 for DEX and 1 for VIT and the remaining stat points could be used for the next level up.
Stat Builds:
(Quick note: the order of the classes is based from which class I played first)
Assassin is a class usually build for surprise and fast attacks and is mainly used for attacking. This class can also be used for tanking depending on the build of your choosing. This class is also recommended for first time players and has the highest probability in finishing the game in solo. The main stat for Assassin is Dexterity, while its main skill damage is physical damage.
Types of build:
DEX 2/3 : VIT 1. This build gives high critical and physical damage (but not higher than all DEX) but also gives the assassin the ability to tank. This build is the most recommended build for assassin.
All DEX. This build provides the highest critical damage and really high hit rate. Make sure that most (preferably all) of yourequipments have high evasion rate since this build is not suitable for tanking, and reaches 0 HP fast when damaged.
DEX 3 : VIT 2 : STR 1. This build gives both high accuracy and high physical damage and could also receive slight to normal damages . It gives the class the ability to fully maximize the use of its skills.
Recommended Mercs: Assassin;Priest for the first half and Warlock;Priest in the second half of the game.
Ranger is a class usually build for support since this class can give the entire party the ability to spam skills and is mainly used for attacking from behind the tankers. This class can never be used for tanking since its a slow attacker but can summon a bear to tank in his place. This class can solo using hit and run technique or he can simply hide behind the summoned bear while attacking. The main stat for Ranger is Dexterity, while its main skill damage is physical damage.
Types of build:
DEX 2/3 : VIT 1. This build gives high critical damage and hit rate and lets the ranger receive minimal damages. This build is the most recommended build for ranger.
All DEX. This build provides higher critical damage and hit rate than the aforementioned build. Make sure that most (preferably all) of your equipments have high evasion rate since this build is quite fragile and cannot take damage or it will die immediately.
DEX 3 : VIT 2 : MEN 1. This build gives high accuracy in physical damage. This build could also take mimimal damage and can also take the enemy's mana higher than normal. It gives the class the ability to fully maximize the use of its skills.
Recommended Mercs: Black Knight/Warrior;Priest
Priest is a class usually build for support since this class' primary abilities are mostly healing. This class is also versatile enough to tank and inflict both physical and magic damages to the enemy depending on the build of your choosing. (This is what I call the true Berserk Healer XD) The main stat for Priest is Mentality, its main damage is physical damage and its main skill damage is magic damage.
Types of build:
MEN 2/3 : VIT 1. This build gives the class the maximum healing abilities and lets it tank since this build lets the class receive normal to slighty severe damages. This build is the most recommended build for priest.
All MEN. This build turns the class into a fulltime healer. This build is not recommended for tanking since it can only receive minimal damage and some skills wont be available. Recommended equip in this build is either orb or staff.
MEN 3 : VIT 2 : STR 1. This build turns the class into fulltime berserk healer. This build makes the priest versatile enough to both heal and tank at the same time.
MEN 3 : VIT 2 : INT 1. This build has the ability to heal, tank and inflict lagre scale attacks but eats up a lot of MP. This build gives the class the ability to fully maximize its abilities.
Recommended Mercs: Assassin;Warlock
Warrior is a class commonly used for tanking and continuous attacking since it has high damage and stun skills. This class also has faster MP recovery with the use of its skills. The main stat for Warrior is Strength because this stat inflicts more damage and its set of skills requires the use of more strength. Dexterity could also be used as a main stat since it will give the warrior faster attacks than Strength. Its main skill damage is physical damage.
Types of build:
STR 2/3 : VIT 1. This build is commonly used when the class is using two-handed sword. it gives double physical damage while tanking than 2DEX;1VIT. This build is the most recommended build for warrior.
All STR. This build inflicts the highest physical damage and really high hit rate while using two-handed sword. It is recommended that most (preferably all) of your equipments have high evasion rate since this build could only tank for a short period of time.
DEX 2/3 : VIT 1. This build is commonly used when the class is dual weilding. This build gives high physical damage, high hit rate (but not higher than all STR) and faster attacks while tanking. It is also recommended that most (preferably all) of your equipments have high evasion rate. This build is the second recommended build for warrior.
All VIT. This build gives the class a 'near-immortal' state which is best for tanking but has the least damage while attacking.
STR 3 : VIT 2 : DEX 1. This build is recommended for dual weilding while tanking. It gives the class the ability to fully maximize the use of its skills.
Recommended Mercs: Ranger;Warlock
Black Knight
Black Knight is a class commonly used for tanking and attacking and gives high physical and magical damage. This class could also support. (It is a warlock that changed career and became a warrior xD) The main stat for Black Knight is Intelligence, its main damage is Magic Damage while its main skill damage is either Physical Damage and/or Magic Damage depending on the build of your choosing.
Types of build:
INT 2/3 : 1 VIT. This build lets the class give high physical and magical damage while receiving slightly severe damages making it a good tanker. This build lasts longer than All INT. This is the most recommended stat build for Black Knight All INT. This build lets the class inflict maximum magic damage output while tanking given its skills but only for short period of time.
All VIT. Just like the warrior class, this build gives the class a 'near-immortal' state while tanking but has the least damage while attacking.
VIT 3 : INT 2 : STR 1. This build lets the class become a heavy tanker while giving high physical and magical damage that lasts long. This build is gives the class the ability to fully maximize the use of its skills.
Recommended Mercs: Assassin;Ranger
Warlock is a class build for really fast attacks, and is not recommended for tanking. This class has the fastest and highest possible inflicted damage among other class with some tricks and maximized use of its abilities. Solo-ing using this class is also possible. (But after you do, you wont be able to use both your thumbs tho xD) The main stat for Warlock is Intelligence while the main skill damage for this class is Magic Damage.
Types of build:
INT 2/3 : VIT 1. This build lets the class inflict high critical and magical damages and could also receive minimum to normal damages. This build is the most recommended build for warlock.
All INT. This build lets you inflict maximum damage output, but damages should be minimal or HP will reach 0 faster.
INT 3 : VIT 2 : MEN 1. This build lets the class give high magical damage while taking normal damages and also lasts long. This build is gives the class the ability to fully maximize the use of its skills.
Recommended Mercs: Assassin;Black Knight
Author's Note (again): Like I said and NOTED earlier, this guide and description is based from MY experience and what I understand in playing Inotia 4 and what I think is best to fully enjoy the game. If you have other or perhaps BETTER suggestions you can comment it below and I'll add it to the list but please do make sure to add a short description like advantages and disadvantages.
You can also help me by commenting skill build of each class and what stat build it will complement and other possible mercenary guide suited for each class. Im not a pro but i have repeated the game more than enough to understand stat point distribution, its advantages and disadvantages. (Like 8 times. 6 different classes, 8 different stat builds).
This took me 2 weeks to finish. Im not asking much since this is voluntary but please do help me in finishing my next doc which is Skill Build Guide. It will be appreciated so much.
I'll give you a virtual kiss if you do.
And thank you so much for reading..
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Great information. Regards Inotia 4 Mod Apk Latest Version 2022